Six Actions to Save the Planet
Reducing burning, improving agriculture & greening the planet can have a faster & larger impact than just reducing fossil fuels
Discover why & how you can make an impact today!
Six Actions to Save the Planet.
Six actions can kickstart a rapid cycle of natural cooling, follow the links below to discover how.
Bolster the Foundations
+ Overall
- Stop run off
- Halt erosion
- Avoid chemicals
+ Individuals
- Lobby for dual water supplies
- Low stream taps and low flush toilets
- Clean up local waterways
- Collect rainwater
+ Corporates
- Harvest + recycle rainwater
- Include water risk measures in investment decisions
+ Governments
- Create separate drinking + utility water systems
- Maximise rainwater capture
- Water planning
Bolster the Foundations
+ Overall
- Boost biology:
- Inoculation
- Compost
- Regenerative practices
- Holistic/managed grazing
+ Individuals
- Make compost
- Separate veggies for organic waste
- Buy organic produce
+ Corporates
- Support regenerative practices across supply chain
- Revitalise your land
+ Governments
- Support soil R&D
- Fund farmer transition to regen
- Patent processes not biology
- Legislate to reduce soil degrading chemicals
- Educate farmers & industry
Put Carbon Back in Plants & Soil
+ Overall
- Punish arson
- Mow, cut or graze crops, grasslands & forest floor
+ Individuals
- Minimise fires
- Go electric
- Reduce use of A/C
- Walk/ public transport
+ Corporates
- No burning in supply chain
- Go electric
- Adopt carbon credits for regreening
+ Governments
- Ban burning & punish enablers
- Subsidise farmer shift to cutting/grazing techniques
- Promote/ reward renewable electrics
- Educate public
Put Carbon Back in Plants & Soil
+ Overall
- Keep big trees
- Infill native planting
- Shelterwoods
- Stop further destruction
+ Individuals
- Buy sustainably sourced wood and paper products
- Support/visit areas of ecological value
+ Corporates
- Protect existing trees
- Use only sustainable wood products
- “Adopt a park” charity
+ Governments
- Protect & celebrate parks and natural forests
- Support carbon credit trading
- Ban manufacture or import of unsustainable products
Put Carbon Back in Plants & Soil
+ Overall
- 365 day cover
- Less chemicals & tilling
- Multi cropping
- Livestock on land
- Pre-monsoon dry seeding
- ZBNF etc.
+ Individuals
- Make compost
- Plant your space
- Lobby to replant local degraded land
- Support local organic producers
+ Corporates
- Use regeneratitve products in supply chain
- Pay for CO2 produced
- Maximize planting on corporate land
+ Governments
- Intensive urban planting
- Tax breaks to regen ag & regreening
- Sequester carbon programs: no-till, etc
- Stop subsidies to inefficient producers
+ Overall
- Organic
- More veggies
- Grass fed meat
- Reduce wastage
- ‘Lowest mile’
+ Individuals
- Exercise more
- Eat lower down the food chain – more veggies,grass fed beef
- Don’t eat if unsustainably sourced
+ Corporates
- Provide healthy eating options
- Recycling culture
- Promote staff exercise & dieting
+ Governments
- Educate re diet & exercise
- Promote recycling
- Sponsor sports
- Tax unhealthy foods
Do Something!
Nothing happens until you act!
Must serve stakeholders, with sustainability elevated above short-term profits.
Must support long-term resiliency, reject inertia and properly value ecosystems